Jenny finds inspiration for her Self-awareness art in every corner of life, from people passing by to leaves changing colors. Her style encompasses modern surrealism and abstract art through an eclectic body of work. Learn more about this emerging artist in Selfless Art's interview below.

Q: Could you share some information about your background and how you embarked on your journey as an artist?
A: Even in kindergarten, I could hardly get away from crayons, and when I got my first acrylic case for Christmas in my teens, I painted whenever I had time. It was thus an easy decision to complete the technical college for design in Leipzig and finally train as a design assistant. But, since I am a very practical and hands-on individual, I have worked in various production jobs. Regardless, I always encountered different printing techniques (e.g., screen printing), and my passion for color was an advantage. In February 2022, I finally decided to start as a freelance artist according to the motto "now or never."

Q: Where do you find inspiration?
A: In short, I find inspiration everywhere, even in mundane everyday situations… 1,000 people walk past a fallen autumn leaf, but I stop and marvel at the red coloration and how it is shaped and enjoy it. Even the banal every day is not something to be taken for granted.
Q: What message does your work intend to convey?
A: First and foremost, I want to convey a positive feeling to the viewers, but also the complexity of each person's existence and individuality. My work themes and expressions are very different, but I would like to convey a certain profundity and positivity.

Q: How have your environment and surroundings influenced your work?
A: My environment influences me in different ways every day. For example, I am often in my garden and observe the constant change of colors and shapes. Where some see only a leaf or a beetle, I see a particularly iridescent beetle in the sunlight but a completely different color in the rain. This is just a brief example, though; my main influences are interacting with people, music, in-depth research, and reading.
Q: What has been your favorite piece of art that you have created?
A: That's a very good question! Each work represents something special for me because each one always goes in a different direction, and I want to show viewers that you don't have to commit to just one sensation or snapshot. I think my absolute favorite work will be created in the future.

Q: What has been the most challenging piece you have created?
A: Probably "Volker the bird." In this work, I wanted to create a mixed-media impression while also elaborating on the central motif in oil at the same time. The individual color nuances took me a very long time to make coherent. In addition, I wanted to work in a large format to offer the motif enough space. Birds do not like being locked in small cages, but the end result was very worthwhile.
Q: If you could provide one valuable piece of guidance to young individuals aspiring to be artists, what would it be?
A: Stay true to yourself and try to distinguish valuable opinions and criticism from negative opinions.
